Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

I want to blog. It's fun, interesting, and good for my brain to just let all the crap that piles up in there get out on paper. Well, not paper exactly...

Then life intereferes, and months go by where I think about how I need to go write but never actually DO go write. I never, ever miss one of my kids' well child exams, yet I can't remember to come take care of myself through writing. It's a stupid thing we women do (especially moms), making outselves into martyrs.

I've been back on-track with my weight loss program. After a LOOOOOOONG plateau, I'm back on a downward trend. My playgroup started a 12 week competition through Thintopia, and it's reignited my desire to lose more weight. In the process, I've taken up RUNNING. This is shocking, because I don't run. Not even after an ice cream truck. A friend clued me into a program that e-mails me what to run on any given day, and by the end I'll be going for 30 minutes. I'm actually doing it! I like running! It's even inspired me to try a spinning class, which is an awesome workout even with the raging sore ass the next day.

I'm also getting the chance to learn how to knit. The knitting, running and spinning are all courtesy of the above-mentioned playgroup. We'll also be taking on some philanthropic adventures for the holidays, including working a local food bank. I've been thinking about how great my new friends are. They challenge me to be better, to take care of myself, to learn new things. It's important for me to do, as a human being, and to be a better mom.