Seattle's Best Coffee is, hands down, the best coffee available. I should note that Starbucks now owns them, something I wish wasn't true. Anyway, their french roast is very dark and rich, and my personal heaven is a room that smells like a pot of this stuff brewing. Sigh.

If I wasn't already married, I'd propose to Hershey's Special Dark chocolate bars. Intense, yet sweet, creamy and awesome. Fairly points-friendly, too. For the regular size bar, it's just 4. I like to eat a little segment (about 1 point) a day for a little treat. Oh, and no evil high fructose corn syrup.

Pistachios are the best nuts in the history of nuts. The shells take forever to pop open, and I can eat them by the truckoad. Then they make me fart, though.

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