Cast: Josh Stewart, Michael Reilly Burke, Andrea Roth, Madeline Zima, Daniella Alonso
Director: Marcus Dunstan
Genres: Slasher Film, Horror, Sadistic Horror
Here's how you know if you should shell out the crazy price of a movie ticket: Do you like the "Saw" series? If so, check this out. It's by the same people, and has the same look and feel to it. I won't give away anything important, but here's the basic plot: A thief breaks into a family's home to pop their safe and steal an expensive jewel. He needs it for a specific reason, one that makes you understand why he's ripping someone off, an act that most of us wouldn't normally support. Anyway, while he's there, he discovers that a madman has taken some of the family members hostage, is torturing them in horrible and unique ways, AND has booby-trapped their home.
I liked it a lot. The protagonist is likeable and complicated, and the collector himself is very creepy...he also withstands amazing physical abuse without any apparent ill-effects (this is always an important trait for horror movie villains).
It's incredibly bloody and violent, you see boobs, and you'll cringe and cover your eyes a lot, but you'll have a good time. The ending is so very lame and really obvious in its goal to set you up for a sequel, but it was worth the money. Well, matinee prices.
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