The public library (this isn't a photo of my library, but how much do I lust after this one?!). How can you not enjoy a place that just lets you take their stuff via the honor system (okay, there's a card, and they'll track you down with their thugs if you haven't paid your fines, but you get the idea). I take the kids a few times a month for new books for all of us. We also enjoy all their free entertainment-storytime, jugglers, magicians, etc. Librarians rule.

Oh Weeds, you are my crack addiction. I started watching the first 2 seasons on Netflix, in a totally random way. The site recommended this show based on something else I'd rented, and I got hooked instantly. Season 3 had to be mailed to me, and I'm about halfway through the season 4 episodes. Mary Louise Parker is just so hot and amazing, and I love the show.

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