Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year, A New Start

I lost 34lbs last year. I worked hard for the first 6 months or so, then sort of gave up. I kept losing and gaining the same 4lbs over and over and over, and got tired of dealing with it. It frustrates me now, because I'd be so much closer to my goal if I'd just kept counting points and faithfully working out. Luckily, I didn't really do any damage to myself-I maintained the same weight, more or less, but it's so much harder to get back on that weightloss wagon than it is to just stay on it to begin with. I ended the year being horribly sick for several weeks, enough so that I couldn't run without breaking into fits of coughing. I'm pretty sure I hurked up a few pieces of my lungs. I ate just a little too much, I drank just a little too much, and sat around. I tried to keep doing yoga, since it didn't make me hack and hack, but it's not such a great calorie burner.

I'm getting back to good health, and we've bought some exercise equipment...a pull-up and dip station, an urban rebounder. If I ever get a treadmill for home, I can quit the stupid gym completely (I'm not really a social exerciser).

I think that waiting for New Year's to decide to change our lives is ridiculous, but I'm thinking of this as a new start. Here are the things I'm resolving to do in 2010:

1. Get back to tracking points and logging my food.

2. Following this workout schedule: M-run and upper body strength; Tu-yoga; W-run and lower body strength; Th-yoga; F-run and abs. Sat/Sun will be rebounding (either one day or both), since it's a short and intense workout.

3. Spend more time intereacting with the kids and less time pretending to listen to them while hanging out on the computer.

4. Lean a new hobby..something, anything. Knitting perhaps?

5. Find a volunteer position.

6. Remember to take my vitamins!

I'm off to a decent start so far, I've gotten a workout in every day since the 1st. I've taken a multi and my calcium. I've sent some inquiries out about volunteer jobs. However, I'm sitting here typing while the kids watch a DVD, so there's one I need to focus on. Hard.

The playgroup's off to an awesome start already, with January and February calendars nearly full already. I've missed hanging out with those ladies, and while I love the holidays, I'm glad to have our schedule back to normal.

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